From:  Eddy Bethea, Kyoshi (

1.  This is just a bit of information that trails my last note to you and informing you of what is to come this year. This includes our Midwest karate activities along with Shorinkan activities.

PKC Region 1 - Cabin Fever -February 19, 20
Shorinkan Winter Camp - February 25, 26, 27 - Kyoshi Green
PKC Region 2  - 1st Tournament  - March 5
PKC Region 2 - 2nd Tournament - April 2
Shorinkan Mini Camp St. Louis, Mo - April 8, 9, 10,
Leave for Okinawa - April 12
Return From Okinawa - April 22
PKC Region 2 - Spring Smash - May 7
Shorinkan - Midwest-Okinawan Connection Camp - May 20, 21, 22
PKC Region 1 - Great Lakes National Karate Championships - May 27, 28, 29
PKC Region 2 - Kobayashi Nationals - June 4
Shorinkan - Warrior Gasshuku - June 10, 11, 12 - Kyoshi Stolsmark
USKK International Karate Championships - June 17, 18, 19
PKC Region 2 - Haynes - Apperson Battle Of Independence - July 2
Shorinkan New York Camp - July 15, 16, 17 - Kyoshi Rowley
Shorinkan Wedding - July 16 - Kyoshi Tom Ward
PKC Region 2 - Phil Wade Memorial - August 13
Shorinkan Summer Camp - August 26, 27, 28 - Sensei Perry  Date maybe incorrect
PKC International Karate Championships - September 2, 3, 4
PKC Region 2 - Tournament  October TBA
PKC Region 2 - Warrior Legacy Tournament - November 5
Shorinkan - 2011 South Cal Camp - November 4, 5, 6 - Kyoshi Noujaim
PKC Region 2 - Promoter's Tournament - December 3


2.  This Year we have Hanshi Genka and Kyoshi Arikaki coming from Okinawa to represent Hanshi Judan  Shugoro Nakazato. I am excited to have these two gentlemen coming to be with us and I am hoping that all of you will be as excited.  I will be visiting all of Dojo that are with me. Hopefully the same schedule as last year.
Kyoshi Bethea