The triangle is a magnificent symbol.   It projects all the powers…….

The triangle symbolizes the trilogy of life, the Spirit, Mind, Body, the joining of the three precepts in learning Karate Do. Any discussion about triangle meaning cannot continue without connecting it with the number three. Indeed, the triangle meaning is inseparable from the number three.

Father, Son, Holy Ghost                    Mother, Father, Child
Past, Present, Future                         Power, Intellect, Love
Creation, Preservation, Destruction     Thought, Feeling, Emotion
Thought, Feeling, Emotion                 Love, Truth, Wisdom

    The list goes on unceasingly defining the order of the triangle that can offer huge variations in meaning. I invite you to contemplate these and other similarities, as I believe pondering these solidifies the symbolic experience the triangle symbol has to share.  All the mystic teachings incorporate the power of three within their folds. Three represents the union of the numbers prior to it (One and Two) numerological speaking, if One represents force, and Two represents an opening, then Three is the birthing of true wisdom.

Some keywords associated with triangle meaning:

  • Creativity            Harmony
  • Proportion          Ascension
  • Gender               Manifestation
  • Illumination        Integration
  • Subjectivity         Culmination

Any discussion about triangle meaning cannot continue without connecting it with the number three. Indeed, the triangle meaning is inseparable from the number three.

Soke Vincent Cruz
International San-Ten Karate Association